Have you ever thought you have ran out of hope?  I mean, really, all your options have been spent.  Even your back up plans fell through miserably and there is not one more option left on the table?  How do you even respond when you get to that point?  Where would you turn?  What is next?

This is exactly where we pick up the story of Ruth.  In fact, the first five verses of the book are not exactly brimming with promises.  Elimelech dies.  Both boys, after marrying Moabite women die.  The only thing Naomi has left are two Moabite daughter-in-laws.  She is not in her own country, and now she is widowed.  Being a widow in Bible days lead to many dangers and possible starvation.  Especially when you consider she has no family near her since Elimelech moved the family to Moab to avoid the famine.
Things look bleak.  What would you do?  Realize this:  When we serve God, there is always hope.  Always.  Rest in that.  Dwell on that.  Realize that in truth, he is ALWAYS our only hope.  Sure, we lean or depend on our own abilities.  We might lean on our finances.  We might lean on our home.  We might even depend on some influence we have on someone.  Perhaps we depend on family. Despite all that we lean on, we must come to the place that all our hope, I mean every last fiber of it, is dependent upon the finished work of Jesus!  Rest in that, and realize He is all the hope you will EVER need.